Olga Verkhovskaya
I am a psychologist, Gestalt therapist. I specialize in working with psychological trauma. In a few sessions, I help to get rid of the symptoms of psychological trauma and PTSD that affect the quality of life - flashbacks, panic states, and others. I do long-term therapy in a Gestalt approach, where you yourself will learn to solve your problems by becoming exactly what you want. You will gain control over anxiety and depression by better understanding the causes of your difficult feelings and understanding what you need to do so that these feelings do not take over. Warm, gentle and supportive while at the same time stable. I treat clients and their choices with respect. You can contact me if: • you are in a crisis situation; • a significant loss has occurred in your life (death of a loved one, illness, relocation, job loss, etc.); • you find it difficult to adapt to sudden changes in life; • you are concerned about relationships with family and friends; • you want to understand yourself, to understand what you want; • you “seem to be fine”, but you feel bad; • you often feel guilt, shame, resentment; • often compare yourself with others not in your favor, criticize yourself; • it is difficult for you to defend yourself, your opinion I work in person and online. I will be glad to work together! I work under supervision and the code of ethics is important to me.

Daria Varlamova
Practicing psychologist (Gestalt therapy, systemic family therapy) Requests: the consequences of psychological trauma, experiencing loss, personal crises, difficulties in relationships, self-development and personal growth. I have experience working with parents of children with TMND, cancer patients. I work with clients over 18 years old.

Наталья Сахарова
Психолог с базовым психологическим образованием, сертификация в гештальт подходе (г.Москва). Большой опыт в работе с детьми и родителями. Последние 6 лет работаю в частной практике со взрослыми. Ко мне обращаются с трудностями в отношениях с детьми, с родственниками и близкими, с сильной тревогой и паническими атаками, с депрессивными состояниями, с чувством одиночества и апатии. Есть специализации в темах: сепарация, системное семейное консультирование, отношения с подростками, психосексуальное развитие. Принимаю очно г. Ярославль, он-лайн - Skype, telegram. Мой email: sakharovanata@gmail.com

Киндер Светлана
Нейропсихолог,психотерапевт. работаю в интегрированном подходе( гельштат, КПТ, травматерапия со взрослыми и детьми (в т.ч. подростками). Специализируюсь на депрессивных и тревожных состояниях, детско- родительских отношениях,зависимых отношениях. Частная практика с 2015 года (Украина, г.Луцк). Очно и онлайн: тел : +380504380484 (telegram,viber), e-mail: kindersvitlana@gmail.com