I want to tell you about an experience that completely changed my life
11 years ago I worked in a closed rehabilitation center for people
suffering from addiction to psychoactive substances. In traditional
therapy, which is built on your relationship with the client, the healing
process can take years.
But our patients were in the program for only 3-6 months. During
this time, it was necessary to relieve their symptoms and
improve their condition.
Fortunately, then I studied and put into practice somatic methods:
Mindfulness, Focusing and SE. Over the course of 5 years, based on
them, I developed new methods of treating trauma that gave results
faster and much more effectively.
Today, the effectiveness of Short-Term Trauma Therapy is
confirmed by my students, who have introduced it into their work
with clients.
There are more and more traumatized people in our world. I believe
every therapist should be able to provide quick relief to clients who
suffer from trauma and PTSD.
I invite you to learn from my discoveries.
Professional and teaching experience
MA in Psychology and Business Counseling from Kean
University, New Jersey, USA. -
MA social worker, University of Haifa (Israel).
Graduated from a school of dynamic psychotherapy (Israel).
Since 2012, she has been practicing SE in working with clients.
From 2012 to 2018, she worked as the therapeutic director of a
rehabilitation center in Israel. -
Completed training at Dr. Peter Lewin's training in Denmark.
Since 2018, she has been teaching online and offline trauma
therapy. -
Published 4 English-language articles on various traumas and addictions.
In 2018, she gave a lecture at the 2nd European SE conference in Germany.
Author of the method
Somatic Experiencing®
Peter Levin and Galit
Potsdam, Germany, 2018
Second European SE Conference
Author of the polyvagal theory Stephen Porges and Galit Serebrenik-
Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2015,
Conference “The Impact of Polyvagal Theory on Trauma Healing”
Diplomas and certificates Galit Serebrenik-Hai
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